Can The Future Be a Black Canvas?
Can The Future Be a Black Canvas? Maybe we should consider dropping the profit and healthcare driven lifestyle of the old world.
It takes an American baseball player to see the light: B. Harper is one of a kind
In app sports games give us as players an opportunity to choose teams based on the names and the cryptographic messages. By INOVERTED.
Guestbook: Sign Your Name....?
Leonmussche and Africa are definitively tied now, with Leon offering a 20% share in the nee platform LONISCAREFUL. the most informstive
Exclusive teaser of Inoverted soon to be released book BREAKING
This is an exclusive of the soon to be released book by Inoverted Leon Mussche called BREAKING, it deals with personalized media, gay bubble is launched this week, Africa has a symbolic share of 20% because they are nice
Leoniscareful new platforn and donain is launched this week. We have decided to offer a 20% stake or ownership in Leoniscareful
Joe~oe, hier die grote champignons, nietwaar?
Bij de Albert Heijn kocht ik een bakje gemengde champignons, er ging zoals altijd weer wereld aan RAR aan voiraf terwijl ik dacht dat mijn G
EMBRACE is a new world system that takes advantage of Life Cycle Management
Embrace Freedom presents us with a lifestyle and personal field of interest to study for a lifetime, take advantage of Life Cycle Management
Draper is a group effort, nothing short of a miracle
DRAPER is a draft pick substitute that is teaching us about nature, technology, chemistry, alchemy, and energy resources in pipe lines.
DRAPER and Proper in the sheets make demands meet, and give new inghts on singularity matching
Teleformation is used to (re) recreate DRAPER,™ setting in which actors or volunteers can receive consultation, training and optimisation
Homophobia in Amsterdam? Or is it monophobia?
HOMOPHOBIA in Amsterdam? Or is it monophobia? LEONISCAREFUL is trying to find an exit.