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Hussein Looks Sad in the Dam
Taking a walk in Amsterdam is now reasonab'y decadent again, after a slum that lasted years caused by empty chain eateries anidnight...
The world may have opened her thighs, female genital mutilation is still a practioce in some countries including Egypt and Gambia for now
Female circumcision has everything to do with MEN, and wether you oppose it or not she is said to experience less sexual pleasure, Badr said
Pall Oskar outs my bubble: 'You just don't come in the map anymore'
Pall Oskar, Iceland, takes me out of my bubble state, his music in IT language awakens a different reality and a feeling of understanding.
GLORIAC How global super star Estefan turned one of the matadoras of the Dam Bull meat market being a CD!
I Like the CD. A..secret Organisation of love, play and sex was seenby some, the greatest names in film, music and sports joined forces
Changing Sides: Artificial intelligence in social distancing and isoclation has its effects: extremism must be avoided
This article was made in collaboration with ABURE neighboring technology is meant to stir up local peptalks in Westerpark Amsterdam
Guestbook: Sign Your Name....?
Leonmussche and Africa are definitively tied now, with Leon offering a 20% share in the nee platform LONISCAREFUL. the most informstive
La grande bouffe, an indulgent Italian suicide pact by the indulgence of eating
Italian movie La grande bouffe was the main inspiration source for this drawing by Leoniscareful Leon Mussche
Joe~oe, hier die grote champignons, nietwaar?
Bij de Albert Heijn kocht ik een bakje gemengde champignons, er ging zoals altijd weer wereld aan RAR aan voiraf terwijl ik dacht dat mijn G
End of year sale: Dunking Donuts and Eclipse, two brand new artworks for the price of one
Dunking donuts and Eclipse are two artworks by Leon Mussche of Leoniscareful that are on sale for a special holiday price this christmas.
The word is out: Mary J Blige brings up the issue of rap cloning in her latest song, and it's ace!
Mary J Blige and Busta Rhymes are the first to break the taboo on cloning and multiple appearances, which may become an industry
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