Bare in mind...
Bend over: No judge or jury could ignore the powers that B
Article by Leoniscareful
The word is out. B has been taking the world by storm as much as A has. Or Cinderella. If this means nothing to you. Try and talk to those living in a seperated reality. A reality with 68 perspectives on an age old practice in a place thay is dominated by codes and numbers and combinations of those. Fucking insightful. Where the F are we when we Zzzz, or when they B, for that matter.
Today I, Leon Mussche or Leoniscareful, have to appear before a judge and an audience of witnessess at the Court of Justice in Amsterdam. A matter of privacyThe matter being: B, and general confusion. Could this get any juicier? First of all the B stands for, or used to stand for the rather obscure act of condomless anal sex between men called barebacking, in spite of the risks of contracting HIV. For the latter, bare sex had become a safe practice for many since the availability of antiretroviral medication (ART) for men and women, that made the risk of transmitting the syndrome negligible and lower than those with a negative status, all this due to the effect of thid medication causing the viral load to be undetectable and the virus to be untransmittable or, as some call it u=u which stands for undetectable is untransmittable. A fact proven by decades of scientific data and quantitative research made during the times before the big L, in this case standing for lies, and confusion to boot. Huh? Oh, hahah... something like that, we just remember. IT happened and we happened to be under it's radar being gay men, because of our social connections and opportunities to match those to our preferences.
A tunnel of peace
There are a bunch of incidents and developments that define today's reality. These include our own online behaviour. Globalisation, geopolitics becoming part of the public domain in everyday life, exploration of the hidden space, IT and automation and new life, to name but a few. Media was largely taken over by the conglomerates and their online formulas, coloured by the influence of nationalities and their politics, causing more equality globally. Depending on the tint of your glasses, it all could boil down to this as much as it coild to that, but whose law is it anyway and which bubble or bible do we need to follow up with? Bear in mind that the formerly exclusively gay act of sodomy had suddenly become a new pastime with the more unexperienced objects of desire being straight and bisexual men including those of uniformed professions. New life had happened, gender neutrality also, and international relations and politics were all about sex now, that's why! Politics became a blur whilst members of national and international institutions became involved in the somewhat perverted game of trade and commerce involving pets, secretive sex, human trafficking, tribalism and new life. For the sake of peace even. Because these men and women were not exactly fighting with or killing each other. Everyone got along just fine. The prospect of peace and love was too good to be true, especially with new exotic and politically loaded destinations being in sight and connections made through apps like Grindr and Scruff offering a sure fire succes on the market of meat. Geopolitics and sex became intertwined as much as automation and transport. The airplane crash of the Russian MH-17 airplane with passengers from the Netherlands as well as Swiss hiv researchers became a hype in media as well as the emerging status of the Arabic world and in particular the Gulf states in the Middle East as giant new planes flew from hub to hub, as always with an excited new generation of consumers inside.The internet revolution had broughy cultures closer together and emancipated women and men in these cultures that were able to travel or demanded to do so. Homosexuality, intersexuality and binary gender roles became part of their cultures as much as it had for us.
So, we're making movies now?
Today I have to appear in court for a trial that sets me apart as a public example with a system of observation of governmental institutions and mental health cae following my every move since I had become positive and a very public debate of my actions had entailed in the Netherlands. An administration of justice and several torturous hospitalisations in mental health facilities and forced debilitating medication had made one thing clear. It is best to stay on the straight path or, to quote Madonna 'don't be silly puy a condom on your willie.' The interference of local health care professionals and the international tap situation that I had to put up with was inhumane, whilst my own professional life had been destroyed partly due to the strain and stress of becoming a focal point for being treated as a criminal with constant taps, corrections and visual keys. The problem was, i had become so poor and drained by all this negative attention and onhoing privacy invssions, I had become reclusive and unemployed trying to shy away from being a player in a game I had no place in anymore. Apart from becoming an observer myself of the horror that was seeing the same people from those institutions and health facilities in those very same B movies I had been trying to avoid, with a different face and in some cases with a different race. I live to tell. And I sure never been crazy.