Size doesn't matter, neither does colour, but is Israel still capable of controlling the world?
In this brave new world, one would think the bigger than big need historic relevance, and a powerful diaspora
The rules of the game in the grand strategy of global power are not yet defined. Thus, Israël is still one in our Christian point of view, based on holy books and based on traditions.
The stakes that are at play
If we look at the world as being a grand match, in which the grandest of strategies need accomplishment in international relations, then which of the entities, folks, races, teams or states can we say is the winner? And will it remain to be Israel that is pulling the strings? 'Long time ago in Bethlehem so the holy bible says....,' are the first words of 'Mary's Boy Child,' the christmas song we as Christians or grown up in a Judeo-Christian Western focused culture can all remember. Re-reading the bible one learns to understand how the stories told here are still the basic elementary ingredients of our world view, and the importance of the societies that have arised from it can function either as a peacemajer or a point of debate. For Israël, in terms of the nations terrirory on the map is one of the smallest states of the world. But the ability of the Jews to form communities and important positions in other regions of the world thrpugh its diaspora, has proven to be a succesful formula in the balance of power, we tend to get lost in sometimes. The media and entertainment world in the United States have ling been dominated by talented members of the Jewish community and Jews have, more than anyother culture, been capabke of organising themselves in powerful and credible communities those other leagues, like Christians or Muslims, still lack so much.
Tradtion as a weapon
Tradition, tradition, tradition is thekite that goes up hete and one cannot deny that, in times of doubt or dismay, we hang on to those that brings forth the most supported starus quo. In that sense, Israël has something in common with the Netherlands, an old colonial force that is comparable in size in terms of territory size, being very, very small. The influence Israël has had on media, the entertainment world,western world culture in general and in particular Hollywood and television writing and art direction, is largely still in place, be it through the cillaboratives of home catering screen filling that we see today, conglomerates of pay TV and movie channels, more than in cinema's, and big blockbusters are more rare than they used to be. Much however, in thus grand game or act we tend to get caught up in, depends on Israëls relations, be it faithfulness, to the Christiam cultures of the western world, that continue to see Israel as an ally and to some extend director of IT and it's apps and mechanisms that appear to be taking over the entertainment world, often in petsonalised form. We can now see what we want to see, or see a reflection of ourselves and our own intrigues on the big screen and on the small screen. Much is depending, however, on the Arab world and in partixular the Arab wprld of the rich oil states such as Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, that have a complex relation with the United Stated since September Eleventh shook up the world's forces first, and the Arab spring, that emamcipated the Arabic countries in North Africa, that changed wrstern world views on its antics, modernised these societies and turned them into civilisations to reckon with, that have a say, and that we feel attracted to, in this secularised reality of today.
Seeing the world as a stage for a game or play of epuc dimensioms is one thought that we, as a public or being the media, are only justcoming to terms with, and in the new life debate, Israël needs to claim more than a small stake in order to sirvive, as a leader, of the modrrn world. It's position towards Palesrinian minorities, human rights and issues of territory are constantly being scrutinised and rherefore Israël remains a place in the spotlight. But it could be that soon, a bigger blockbuster conspired by larger nations will beat its biblical relevance and consider it a yesterday's matter, considering the technigies that are at stake that are prwrty much able to provide for larger rhan life mirackes that beat even walking on water. This universal power, one of quantum computing and energy resourcez is one that every state is now more or less involved with too. Universality stands above every nation in terms of the experiences and travelling abilities it has the capacity to provide us with. How much of all this technology is Israëo able to claim? And how much crearivity and credibility can its diaspora provide us with in the future through their augmented reality and virtual reality, and the stronghild it has in the creation of apps and computing power, in its relatuonship with rhe United States, while we are all cravinf for new 'Friends' or another 'Titanic.' Because 'Spielberg" may be getting old and tired of this game, that should not become too simplistic. As long as we have an identity to hold on to. Much will depend on the weapons they carry and the lands they can occupy, with dredging and land reclaiming being but some of the stakes that are at play. New life and its artificial intelligencw are some of the new wrapons in Israëls arsenal. Which nation can maintain solidarity more than they can, and tell us stoeies better than they did, remains the most imporyant weapon that is at stake.
A game we can all play along
This gramd strategy and legiances of nations and indi iduals is a game in which we can all play aling, as long as we can memorise the flags on our smart phone ans keep up with universality. Werher you are a shop assistant or an airline host, a politician or an unemployedmedia illustrator like myself, qe all have the tools we need in our arsenal of weaponey. Be it tbe price of banana's, a staje you claim in Bitcoin or a soccer clubyou support, you have the right to express ypur views on the internet, in blovs and social media. Share your opinions and k oedge of the past and present and try to influence the future, bwcaus4, for all I know, you may be the next influencer, one that is pulling the strings locally, or plays a part on the glibal stage being as insignificant we as humans have become. There is always a speaker's corner or a space in universality that enables you to grow, as an individual or as a person.