Listening in: Reimbursements starting from January 1st, 2023
Provided by Leon Mussche LEONISCAREFUL
Reimbursement for information gathering in private space or with telepathy technology.
Below is a list of charges that will go into effect for listening in in my private space at the address, Fagelstraat 55 hs or ground floor.
Prices for listening in are as of yet kept at an affordable rate and are only valid for those in posession of funds in the first place.
Charging will begin as of 01-01-2023 and is expected to follow suit with measuring of tap feedback. The reason for these charges are that listening 'in' has not as of yet any rules and gotten to the point where my personal life is for the most part defined by the doubled personality intake and output. Leon Mussche and LEONISCAREFUL is providing you with a service and the friendly priced fee was initiated with close interaction by official Dutch taxes.
All 24/7 users, wether peers or leechers or lurkers will be attempted to be charged for listening in at my private studio space FAGELSTRAAT 55 HS in Amsterdam.
Signal events have been created as a way to be able to discuss real content that matters and can contain credits or referrals to your persona or branch. All signal events will be announced on the LEONISCAREFUL app, which can be found on WIX spaces. Signal events will not be charged as your input is highly valued on the subject matter.
The rate for listening in are, at the moment defined at € 0,04 per tap responce with a maximum of € 1,50 per person or per RPG ID per day, kindly considering the interference, offenses and the amount of intel that is derived from a private property and a single entity with thought, being myself, Leon Mussche, owner of LEONISCAREFUL.
Listening in daily charge: € 1,24 per person, free of tax.
If you are an anonymous entity acting for an enterprise or employee, you are kindly requested to provide me with details of your employee. With generating utilities at stake, an automated administration system is expected to follow suit, after manual counting and invoicing. Prices are kept as friendly and affordable as possible. An exempt from charges can b e obtained by writing or emailing to Leon Mussche or LEONISCAREFUL
Payment can be made to: LEON MUSSCHE in Amsterdam IBAN account no. NL20 ABNA 0486 4649 97 ABN Amro, Amsterdam. Or, text, call or DM me.ABN AMRO bank. Swift ABNANL2A.Include your details.
Leon Mussche