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The illusion of the invisible dimension is often a matter of time


Diversity in lifestyles

Lifestyles are increasingly diverse. Habits, rites and rules are strongly depending on the belief that lives are finite, the lives of humans start with birth and end with death. Death is either caused by accidents, diseases or from aging, when the body and mind have run its course, the bodily fuctions have worked so long they become worn until they finally give up. Murder and war appear to be decreasing worldwide as more attention is given to the root of these causes. Finally, euthanasia is becoming a more acceptable concept that is not always connected to severe psychiatrical diseases. The Netherlands was the first country in the world where euthanasia was considered a humane end of life to en suffering in those cases of chronic relief of suffering in cases of chronic diseases in which a patient has no future to speak of.

Now, there is a diversity in lifestyles and a diversity in how life runs its course, in a way that the terms euthanasia and its necessary predicaments need an update.

The invisible society

The invisible is all around us. It is worth a thought wondering if the invisible is dead or alive. When asked, the invisible will tell you that it has a similar quality of life than we have, only to add that it has progressed further in time or development than we and the way we are used to living have become accustomed to. The invisible society is only in the eye of the beholder, for it may be clearly visible in another one's eye. Therefore, we can only describe what the merely visible, the temporarily visible, the much smaller visible, or the transitional visible means to us. For I myself, with all of my weknesses can only conclude that there is such a state that makes people live in between the natural and visible world, and the invisible or faster paced world. And that is where metaphysics come in. For perception is only in the eye of the beholder, and without a confirmation of another living human being, their perception may be doubted into oblivion.

The invisible, half visible or transparent dimension might be a matter of automation, and in that, we ourselves can only consider ourselves as a focal point for our reality. Automation can be like a show we are the centre of. In my own experience the translucent dimension may be clearly visible from a defined distance and vantage point, only to disappear as I get nearer, or change my angle of view. If we are dealing with posthumane beings here, that like to play with laws of physics, speed and the angle of light, it apoears this is a very shy, withdrawn or fearful entity, that may be only consisting of light, or lack thereof in the darkness, or my approach might be, again a matter of metsphysics. As in, it was going to disapoear anyway at that exact moment in time. On a recent nightly walk in the Rosarium area at Vondelpark, and other areas arounf this main, central park in Amsterdam, I was confronted with appraraces of a temporary occurence, so fast that it quickly morphed into a layered background of branches an trees of a natural landscape. The vision became a part of the background, so to speak, and the closer I got to the envisioned scene, the more it disappeared from vision, and from audible reality. We may doubt our vision and the darkness plays tricks with the eyes and our consciousness, in addition the whole scene may have not been there anyway, like a hallucination or a fata morgana.

A dmension within a dimension

The most notable thing to remember from those nights spent in the shimmering darkness of a small forest area within the park was the existence of an apparent dimension within the dimension I waeds used to perceive. The question remains if my attendence there had anything to do with that. This area has been a well known gay cruising area for decades and what appeared to me, under the trees and in the bushes was a kind of illusion, or a shimmering of light and shadow showing a temporary depiction defined by time. I can move any mountain was a song by the Shamen that came to mind.Was it my own presence, that disturbed the natural occurence of things, just by being there. Or are these things happenimg all the time? While going feeper into a forested ares I noticed, in between the leaves and branches, depictions of life as if it were in another dimension, with a diiferent transparency than my opaque self, before my consciousness revealed, and as long as I stood still, and didn'r move, these depictions, as if a dimension within a dimension, seemingly consisting of layers of light and shadows would continue to exist. The depictions I witnessed were those of household scenes, next to or within man made or natural structures of shelter and hiding, such as branch tree walks and caves of leafs, that I felt I was fooled kr trapped, for whenever I would go closer to theses visualisations, they would disappear, as if they had never existed. What a trip this was.....not!

Time after time

This other dimension, that was visible within my dimension, which I had always considered the default one, contained life that was attracting my attention with tempting poses, or in other places, a representation of resting or sleeping people that seemed to move, or live, in a different speed than myself. They would appear only to disappear again when reaching a certain proximity to them. There were alluring men masturbating that reminded me of traps. There were figures that appeared to be from army, universal security, health services or police and even astronaut professionals flickering in the darkest of night. But everything that was visible wss at the same time not visible to me and every regognisable shape, object or person could easily, and in some cases manifested to be, anything other. Such as the grass field in the middle of the rose perks, when seen from a certain vantage point appearing to be a concrete surface. It is the binary state of this complexity that made the whole area appear to be an environment made with ICT. Also, the short-lived momentarily appearances of human-like figures gave the impression of time being a factor in this landscape, imcluding my own presence and its timing, wbich would not make me the ideal spectator of these fields of light and seemingly audiovisual or light-emitted situations creating the illusion of another dimension wirhin a dimension, one that was subject to changes itself, growing and decreasing in size and at times changing direction of the area which my consciousness was aware of. Could it be the speed causing these movements and apoearances at different paces and places in time

A highly recommended article by LEONISCAREFUL


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