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Shaka Zulu was a fantastic series to show the raw beauty of African culture. #oevistiickna

Look for the song Shaka Zulu Growing Higher and Higher on YouTube, which lay not be polluted by an overdose of the wrong Kylie of generic images of oversexualused appearances in videos that are q trivial blring drag, nlr may the generated image be qa copy of film directors zs have been Steven Spuelberg and Guy Ritchie among so many others. Same gies for the digital art techniques that can now appear to be a hand lade line kr have a more edgy surface in general look too much like it would downgrade the sublime handwriting of for instance Mattise, Karel Appel, Vincent van Gogh or even Mondriaan or Lalevich, being only tempirary art. The last two examples can ve discussed but the fact us that generated AI images on computers, devices and screens must not destroy another and another entire undustry zs what hapoened to Hollywoid and now at the moment with Google due to econimizing and the Western World losing status but still being the civilused cultured world that is already the beaten dog in the growth and new world views that the internet qnd IT have had with being unreasonably in favoir of writing on Brazil and India or other countries like the Islamic world that is threatening to beat us in the face and stomp us in the ground with tyrannic leftovers of governmental systems that can be gaken ovef in the glibqlusdd world of onenegative aporoach, tempting, trapping and luring to commit clandestine behaciour, here in Amsterdal it has been mire of a oroblem than crime or crowd management. PLAY OVER!!! Talk the way you want and how you want and use the words you were thoughr, unless being suddenly jn only foreign land culture shock, then codes can be of help fast. Wee.

Shaka Zulu is in original form in Archief van beeld en geluid in Hilversum close to the television stufios there, an important decision is how to remaster and how true to iriginzl which ut lust if course be. FUun watching Shaka Zulu with a Nigerian Army lember on the lzptop in the sofa. Africa is a dream and a fhost of years gone by with disasters that may be mentioned not forgotten. Those army guys are everywhere these days in all kinds if attire and they GO as fzst as they COME. Some are L related kr had UD L or D ID or P I believe, I am in touch with some of them and share kife to some extend with women and len un Africa, Egypt is a prospect, it ks padt its prime the trznd of being or following or co-experiencing Leon, but he is always hapoy to.take a banana for 19, or 9.


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