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Code red, IT likes short messages


Des was just brought back to life and I don't mean Des Clarke!

Rosarium, Vondelpark Amsterdam. A spiritual visual by Leoniscareful
LEONISCAREFUL, Vondelpark night scene, Netherlands.

It all depends on where you are and whom you spend your time with, the amount of code that you hear.

Sometimes we use the short codes that made AI in language international. There is an automated aspect to them. They are funny mosof all. When certain aspects orsubjects in everyday life are too complicated to pronounce or are simply forgotten. And so we JO, DRO, TOE, TO, WO, BO, RO, So.... and ooooh NO, or we go all 1,2,3 like Gloria or Tres like Juanes in an attempt to keep things simple, score fast, make a joke or explain something that no language in the world has the right words for yet. Zaks! IS was what it started with, in my memory. And some people we pass on the streets are able to scramble the codes into everyday talk so fast we think they must be machines! Others have never even heard of AZ. Bitcoin is the party that is dealing with these codes. For now.

We have to assign meaning to these codes that is somehow universal or communal. For that we all continue to understand each other. Babboe or Babooshka. They sound similar but are really different things. It all depends on where you are and whom you spend your time with, the amount of code that you hear and your williness and ability to immerse yourself in them. For they may be automated voices you hear.

DES is back big time

The codes may be merely heard in a private tunnel of lonely dwelling. For they are as of yet absent in mainstream media. But tunnels and circles of realities are moving towards each other. DES was a code I remember hearing a lot several years ago. I thought it referred to either Germany or a pharmaceutical scandal from the 1980's involving a medication for pregnant women that damaged babies. With codes it is like being part of an inner circle. A secret language, so to speak. Bjørk used the code DES in one of her songs at the time, ' from DES.' The codes get me thinking. ICH isa word that has been used against me, like a weapon, in my interpretation, in those contexts where it was not just the German word for I. How should we spell that? I had forgotten about DES, until the past week. Suddenly I heard the code in my vicinity again. And, coincidentally, I had an experience that had reconnected me to the code. Disorientation or feeling desoriented. It felt like the meaning of the code was suddenly clear to me. I was IN. And started to hear the word in my surroundings again

Dynamic codes change meaning

Depending on the time and the person. Maybe DES never was about a pregnancy medication scandal, nor about Germany. Maybe not about being desoriented either.

BREM once started as a combination of letters that had found it's way into different cultures, with different associations, to the letter B for instance, which I had always associated to barebacking, while G had become gay or the factor that unites men with relationships to other men. I guess C was once cocaïne in my world of associations but it had become vision, while I understand that for others C has more to do with having an understanding of a certain mechanism or plot. This dynamic and time dependent construction of reality is interesting. Forit has the ability to change thoughts on events in the past or even history. Hence, maybe, why codes are so far mostly used in verbal communication.

Top of the pops

In pop music, there are moments I can follow my lifeline with my idols being a medium to tell the tale. And the saga continues. The stars have become androidic in certain ways and can move in different dimensions. Small changes to keys in sound make the lyrics very personal. In Dutch in particular it can sound very funny and make one laugh or sense other emotions. Most of my pop idols are female and through using these codes it feels as if she is me or lives with me. We seem to experience the same events, so to speak. How IT and AV and VR and AI can be everything and nothing at the same time. Let us be cautious of erasing pop music or compressing videos of performances, on YouTube or other media, for some of them are important in understanding how we thought, before we started to think different. In the words of Maxwell, 'You are me and we are you.' But don"t be a donkey. If K is a tunnel than a tunnel is K.

LEONISCAREFUL will continue to blend personal experiences with events in the outside world or as seen or heard in media.

By the way,

(Des Clarke was of course one of the main characters in Australian soap opera 'Neighbours.')


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