'Stapepurin' is available as paid events from today, with the exception of signal events
Client agreement Privacy matters STAPEPURIN is the name of the events taking place indoors at my address, Fagelstraat 55 hs in...
Size doesn't matter, neither does colour, but is Israel still capable of controlling the world?
Can Israël remain the biggest power in the game at play? Much depends on its diaspora and their cultural output.
INOVERTED: Reality bits!
Reality bits, dutch think tank innovation art collective LEONISCAREFUL, Amsterdam, Holland, the Netherlands challenges traditional media.
Homophobia in Amsterdam? Or is it monophobia?
HOMOPHOBIA in Amsterdam? Or is it monophobia? LEONISCAREFUL is trying to find an exit.
New art web shop: 'In my work there are never no go areas'
web shop with art works by Leon Mussche is online, unique drawings subjects include religion, innovation, space innovations, gay, race, tech
In case someone still reads books: Introduction in English of my diary book 'Untitled 1'
Untitled 1 (introduction) 'I don’t think I have a full grasp of the situation yet. But I am starting to realise the consequences of my...
Meestal zit ik alleen thuis op de bank met de kat op schoot. Dat gaat vervelen. Vroeger keken we naar televisie 's avonds. In elk geval...