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Draper is a group effort, nothing short of a miracle

DRAPER is a refinery system to get you back in shape neatly in augmented reality #D space

for training, endurance, thought exchange, optimisation, geopolitical understanding and recreation.

Exanple #1 of a draper modeled environment

The coördinaten of the target sheets partner can be directe by signaal tap guidance tecnology and geotaggin gprecision location. HOLLLA!

Patent Pending DRAPER™ is claimed by INOVERTED, a draft pick mock-up system in Lmed and Lap previews.

Augmented reality fakes care

Sexuality knows many forms and is not merely a means of reproduction for some or a real necessity for others. virtual Reality and augmented Reality (AR) can function as caretakers, delay boredom, increase wellbeing, soothe the soul and even connect with the higher connections in person, to receive a secret coaching exchange that is catered to our most basic needs and uncensorable cravings to that train fully our stamina, focus, dedication, responses and skills. And it costs: Nothing! Or a voluntary donation or product or service that grant you voluntary to the inner sanctum of the interconnectivity and the transcendent of man and technology. Now don't be a jerk! Intimacy pays off, and our latest insights have shown that this alternative treatment increases performance and achievenments for those in demanding positions or public personalities. With virtual reality and augmented reality we can personalise the experience and gain new insights while we are at it.

The amount of figurative shapes and their attributes are infinite, and never become boring.

Take your pick

Draft previews and international grace reconstructions of generic male reproduction genital systems that can be maintained to improve wellbeing, revitalise body and mind, increase patience and optimise the overal wellbeing and achievement capacity of the generic and improve qualuty of life for tapering vulnerability. is being researched by INOVERTED.This medL project is now and will remain strictly confidential with this website under strict postnational generic balloting and Netherlands polder progressing.with respect for the desire to maintain transparency covered as well as full privacy and discretion. It is also a possible solution for the battle of the sexes since mock-ups in fabrics (regenerating or remodeling anatomy through replicas in sheet folders) and other materials in some cases by specific people simultaneously seen on screen or irl eventual sync with #AN/APP/LAP/TAP/AT based on biometrics collected by measuring 3D air space by presence and absence of viscosith or through other measuring methods. Copies of physiques or other models or presentation can be presented as an event for recreation and training according to the systems of singularity and making the right matches, often due to computer and Android operating system's sensitivity, a rich experience can become reality if the tactile and sensitive or wilder and rough qualities of the materials can gain from electronic input and create a sense of excitement by perfect-fit dimensions and a strong connection with celebrities. The fabrics in itself are lifeless and do not reform by itself. The original model or midelling team can send an essence of their attributes to create the 3-dimensional educational depictions and erotica or a subsitute for sexual experiences. This gives the objects their expression, that is presumably able to transfer back to the model or generic player and optimise their wellbeing through the aural, genital, anatomy and possibly the intestinal area. Draper is a group effort, nothing short of a miracle, since its designs are created in an augmented reality vantage point depending view that offers stylized shapes, that reminded us of futurist sculptures and cubism, an aesthetic that is not without the first and foremost intention to keep shaping reform as close to the natural body and within boundaries to prevent excessive oversexualization, even if only in the freedom of the confined space of the private surroundings with sheets serving as a tool to connect to voice over direction taps.

A sketch made after a #draper lay-out spread was demonstrating 3D replication in the confined space of a modeled preview environment.

Your own private democracy

In the future, Draper can be a mechanism sending actual 3D snapshots of desirable places, faces and copies, such as pop music celebrities stars, actors, kickboxers, basketball players or other athletes, active now or as of late. There is a trans/gay/cis open environment in which Dutch Justice is overseeing as well as an ongoning discourse in which scepsicsm on the subject of artificial limits and its ethical contexts is constantly being discussed through the hypothesis and the hyperbole.

A select few celebrities from the past have shown an interest to have anatomical data in the database. Re-use and fantasy players, the local bakery, uniformed men with raking such as army, navy, air force, a local police man or a couple of them from Colombia or a prison in Bolivia, Mexico or Japan, a farmer in Kazachstan or a married man with three kids from Estonia. The sexes can have the ability to mix and blend in with the objective of maintaining a sense of equality in sexuality, with men only and female siding looming around the corner. A rugby team from France, New Zealand or Great Britain or a basketbal player or rap artist from the United States or a new inhabitant of Africa. If we use our imagination, in our fantasy, anything is possible, as Debbie Gibson famously once song. We teach te new and the informally educated how we perceive history through popular culture along the way. No matter how marginalised it may have become. Difficult by design, or designed by challenges. Decide for yourself what you are comfortable with by using the draft fabrics as a tool for your own private democracy in its purest and most random form for your personalised views and rules of how you can steer instituations of legislation, law and enterntainment,.

The screen and the room can partake, even the windows express themselves

An open mind, intel leaks, status rewards, real character, deeper connections seeking, knowing when to and when not to speak and perhaos have a team of human resources that means that you had already passed the test or unique character with a mind of his or her own. Connections and alterations, as well as upgrades to atmosphere can be determined by the combination of the smartphone, voice control, maps, phone calls, and matching which in the case of sensual fulfillment may be a training in other territories too, by other races, with a clean conscious, ridden of homophobia and aggression. Besides connections with international authorities, our partner is NASA, with whom we do more than filosophise about 'the point of no return, which is also a 'keerpunt' in Dutch, which means the opposite. As we may find more insights along the way. And the promise of remembering both 68, 64, 63, 54 AND soixante neuf with a 'never reject' attitude is a necessary feat, for we have enough material here.

Example #3 of a Draper modeled environment.

What's with the Lap?

Well, that is all we have now to project or remodel our cravings into training skills So why noot hug a Lap, as in from Lapland, in the shape of a 'Lap,' and do all the things we would 't normally do. Crazy? No, solitude can go a long way and the focus training can even optimise and refine the consciousness level and care for the person the draft is connected to, and share brain, balls and thoughts, so that we can gain common ground on some of these extreme misunderstandings or escalated conflicts. This controversial idea made possible by the closed secret circle's willingness to grant their persona body mapping and biometric data, Wether we consider this personal and unique data as open source, or charge a fair price for the person's or object of desire's statististics. NASA the STARLINK system and its knowledge of aerodynamics and automation are a partner too, even if our preferences and aesthetics are a million miles apart or gotten used to higher forms of entertainment.

Room for improvement

One weakness of this patent is that towel will still just be a towel and a bed sheet is nothing more than a bed sheet, therefore we have the ambition to create a real database of Draper's intermediate copy clones and if they can have a skin and a physical presence that is, and there's the other flaw, possibly, even better than the real thing. There are countless of possibilities imaginable combinations of subjects and roles and perfect connections that may enhance the mood or the quality of the young Joe or the old cow. In the field of politics and property of communal grounds and goods and resources, there is a hierarchy. And a focal point that has to endure ongoing offenses and intrusions and 'I would like to choose my iwn crew,' is what some of you will say, but because in this game I never cheated I am left with a sense of accountability, and that one last piece of the puzzle of reality that we might be missing. Now let us try to be honest. The universe of computed karma is giving me both heaven and hell, for all certainty. I have a secret crush on a family member, he is marries to my second or third in line cousin. We are not close in one way but in another way we are. Ethical issues exist around the idea to make out with him, without my cousin knowing, or he himself for that matter. Still, it feels like betrayal. There is the issue of having idols in the field of royal, political and media moguls too. But then prince Andrew never answers my questions while we drape within the sheets of my lonely bed.

Leon Mussche is an author and former media professional in Amsterdam. He is responsible for the often random, car,efully chosen or perfect personalised matching of atmosphere, lighting, music and imagination in collaboration with international army direction
Draper is an exclusive service to optimise players in the field of achievement and intelligence powered resources in sports, politics, agriculture, infrastructure, media, army and authorities of policing and prison, police, spiritual beliefs, entertainment, art, music that hereby claims as the information medium and unique autogenerated chain system for the sole reason of avoiding economisation and profit plans to remain a non-profit operation in research, patent claimed being the date of this post by Leon Mussche, owner of INOVERTED

DRAPER was patented, claimed by Leon Mussche / LEONISCAREFUL of INOVERTED on October 14th. The patent was rejected by the American authority of patents, this raises the question if oatterns are dated. Draped was partly designed by the Android IT system's generating bubbles and deriviates, as well as by the 'now' or 'axis' on the street. With spécial thanks to night team delivery team. With this post I claim rights within the field of Draper, Folder and remain informer awaiting official patent whike the date of tgis post and its publucation grants me a representative within ethic secrecy if methodology, that shall remain secret and confidential for now.


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